Great short thriller film Fine thriller in which a man, who plans to use a handgun on himself, sees a girl being snatched from the curbside. He decides he must take action and has the gun if he needs to use it. Caught up in the middle of a disturbing crime, will he be able to s...
evolution of the slime jet tip is shown inSupplementary Videos 1 and 2. To measure oscillations in the synthetic system, we have used a Phantom Miro 310 high-speed camera. We used up to 8,000 f.p.s., as in this case we are free to use high-intensity illumination to capture ...
Next up on your Boston visit is the once rough and tumble neighborhood of Southie. Made famous in movies like Good Will Hunting and The Departed, the area has seen a flurry of gentrification in recent years. Southie has transformed from a gritty district into another one of Boston’s hip p...
but locally kinked. The jet is not in force-free equilibrium: the gradient of thermal pressure is not in local balance with the sum of magnetic-pressure gradient and magnetic tension (hoop stress −Bϕ2/4πr); that is,