Jet Fuel Jet Fuel Daily Price 2.11 U.S. Gulf Coast Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel Spot Price FOB, US$ per gallon As of: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Source: US Energy Information Administration Jet Fuel Monthly Price - US Dollars per Gallon Range...
Jet fuel market volatility, whether from crude prices, supply issues from refining capacity, or ongoing regulation changes, is a continual risk to your bottom line. Having a choice in fuel pricing is the best way to mitigate risk and stay on top of market changes. Argus constructs price index...
Get daily jet fuel prices and industry news from OPIS. News and pricing is available for U.S., Europe and Asia jet fuel markets. Learn more.
The Argus Jet Fuel service offers prices that are increasingly used and trusted as a benchmark by companies throughout the supply chain. This comprehensive market service offers daily conventional and sustainable aviation fuel prices, information on deals done, full trading commentary and market-moving...
Fuel costs are one of the primary drivers of airline ticket prices. While prices surged in 2022 due to high demand following the previous pandemic-related slump in air travel, they have stabilized over the past two years with some fluctuations. As of July 2024, the price for a gallon of ...
Jet Fuel Prices ($/mt) Location Barge Fob NWE Cargo Fob NWE Cargo Cif Med Cargo Fob Diesel (ULSD) Prices ($/mt) Location Barge Fob NWE Cargo Fob NWE Cargo Cif Baltic Cargo Fob Med Cargo Fob Med Cargo Cif Gasoil Prices ($/mt) Location Barge Fob 0.1% NWE Cargo Fob NWE Cargo ...
Jet fuel movement can be very cyclical, with peaks in demand (and higher prices) nearing big travel weekends and holidays. More air travel means more jet fuel used, and demand usually jumps ahead of those big travel events. For example, for Memorial Day 2023, the Energy Information Administra...
Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, assessed the CIF NWE jet fuel flat price at an average of $885.12/mt so far in 2023, still significantly higher than $631.69/mt flat price average in 2019. The strengthening has led to increasing tension between airlines and fuel suppliers....
plan enroute, simply rolling the cursor over a new waypoint or keying in the airport identifier or the name of a city is all it takes. Max-Trax will recalculate and display updated, point-to-point routing in a matter of seconds…including the best aircraft fuel prices at the new location...
The Eastern region, the most expensive of the regions, recorded the largest increase for the month, at $8.66 per gal., an increase of $1.69 compared to March figures. Figures are from a fuel survey of U.S. FBOs conducted by the Aviation Research Group in April 2022....