Line ChartJul-2024Aug-2024Sep-2024Oct-2024Nov-20241.881.952. Dollars per Gallon Description:U.S. Gulf Coast Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel Spot Price FOB Unit:US Dollars per Gallon Currency: Compare to: Source:Energy Information Administration ...
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Delta reported using 1.021 billion gallons of jet fuel, which is 4% lower than the 978 million gallons used in the last quarter of 2023. Likewise, the price of fuel per gallon was significantly lower year-on-year. In the last three months ...
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Delta reported using 1.021 billion gallons of jet fuel, which is 4% lower than the 978 million gallons used in the last quarter of 2023. Likewise, the price of fuel per gallon was significantly lower year-on-year. In the last three...
<Label Text="Weekly U.S. Gulf Coast Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel Spot Price (Dollars per Gallon)" TextColor="White" FontFamily="TimeSpan" FontAttributes="Bold" Margin="0,2,0,0" /> </HorizontalStackLayout> </charts:SfCartesianChart.Title> Customizing the FastLine series Refer to the following ...
However, jet fuel still has a significantly higher price tag than before the pandemic. Our chart based on EIA data shows that the fuel price remained steady in 2019 between $1.80 and $1.90 per gallon. Over the first months of 2020, kerosene prices for U.S. Gulf Coast dropped until May ...
Dollarspergallon4.504.003.503.002.502.00 1.50 Non-scheduled Scheduled 1.000.500.00Jan-02Jan-04Jan-06Jan-08Jan-10Jan-12 JetfuelpricesreportedtotheBureauofTransportationStatistics(BTS)differfromproducerprices.ReportstoBTSshowthecostpergallonoffuelusedbyanairlineduringthemonthratherthanthepricechargedby...
For example, in 2008 the price of jet fuel in the beginning of January was $2.714 per gallon; it rose 54% in six months to $ 4.179 per gallon before falling 71% to $1.202 in December of that year. These price swings are potentially damaging when coupled with the fact that fuel can ...
Jet Fuel - Monthly Price (Pound Sterling per Gallon) - Commodity Prices - Price Charts, Data, and News - IndexMundiIndex Mundi
The national average for a gallon of Jet-A totaled $7.54 in April, an increase of $1.17 from March 2022 and a $2.25 increase compared to a year ago. It was the third consecutive month that all eight FAA regions posted monthly price increases. ...
How Much More Is Jet Fuel Per Gallon at the Start of the Year? Looking at prices, jet fuel cash values across all U.S. markets wrapped up 2019 much more expensive than where they finished 2018. Read about how jet fuel is priced. ...