As Easter Sunday approaches and Christians everywhere remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, we can’t help but wonder about his mother who stuck by His side till the bitter end. How old was she when he died on the cross, and when did she realize what ro
They are being betrayed by his most trusted aides who, even as he had when he died: "my God, why you abandoned me? "The 40th chapter of the work is the title of" martyr ", it is clear that author is Uncle Tom to death, and death of Jesus Christ made a contrast. ...
When Jesus rose from the dead, he demonstrated he was Lord over sin, death, and the grave. His resurrection also proved Jesus was who he said he was. It is the resurrection that gives us the hope of eternal life. Because he lives, we will live also. His resurrection sets the stage ...
Antipas reluctantly beheaded John, and later, when Jesus’ miracles were reported to him, he believed that John the Baptist had been resurrected. When Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem, according to Luke 23, Pilate, the Roman procurator of Judaea, first sent him to Antipas, who was spending ...
When Herod died shortly after Jesus’ birth, his kingdom was divided into five parts. Most of the Gentile areas were separated from the Jewish areas, which were split between two of Herod’s sons,Herod Archelaus, who received Judaea and Idumaea (as well as Samaria, which was non-Jewish...
Jesus Arrested - When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and
Jesus Arrested - When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and
After a few years, when Jesus returned to Nazareth he was rejected by the people (Luke 4:16–30). A prophet is without honor in his own country and among his own people (Matthew 13:57). 3. Jesus died with the name of the rejected. ...
Tom is being flogged to death, and Jesus was crucified on a cross used to be soaked with blood. When Jesus died, one left and one right there are two criminals were crucified with him on the shelf, but because they believe the Saviour was saved. ...
Still, when people become too focused on Jesus’ physical characteristics, they make it more difficult to develop a deeper relationship with God, he says. To him, the color of Jesus doesn’t make a difference. “It does not fundamentally change what he stands for and the sort of message ...