We get laughter from God. And when he laughs, he does so for our sake, to communicate to us. He laughs to give off signals—that are horrible to his enemies and wonderful to his friends. As God laughs his enemies are terrified and cower in fear. But his friends, rise in comfort and...
2021.. What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear! Also we collected some tips and tricks for you: Follow these rules and your meaning will be published. Lyrics to What a Friend We Have in Jesus by Glen Campbell from the Country Gospel Collection, Vol. What a Fr...
There might have been a Hollywood agent waiting in the kindergarten audience to discover their next child Hollywood actor. Speaking of child actors, I had the privilege of interviewing 12-year old Ollie Herdman for the Light Magazine. The Herdmans (or to be politically correct, the Herdpersons)...
It was a wonderful expression of the family of God with all ages, from little ones to teenagers to young adults to adults to elderly all spiritually engaged and participating. We worshiped in a large oval, facing each other, shared meals together, hung out and fellowshipped, prayed for one...