Doesn’t the bishop know that all that “love thy neighbor” crap went out in the 1960s along with the long-haired hippie guitar plucking hacky sack playing Kumbaya singing Universal Life Church ministers? And who, but the Deep State coastal libs, would quote Leviticus 19:34:“The alien wh...
In a post hippie generation, politics takes center stage with Judas as a radical political activist. Written during a time of counterculture and rejecting the status quo, Judas is the main subject and Jesus’ divine nature is questioned. Judas asks Jesus in the song “Superstar,”“Jesus ...
San Francisco in the 1960s is most frequently associated with the hippie movement and the so-called "Summer of Love." A lesser known spiritual movement sprouted alongside it: a loose network of Evangelical groups eventually referred to as Jesus people or Jesus freaks (a term which, at the ...
Not surprisingly, the most significant time for Christian gospel music was during the hippie era in the 1960s. During that time, gospel, youth, and music had merged together into songs that preached about Christ and love. Many people became Christians during that time to protest the ongoing ...
According to Driscoll, "real men" avoid the church because it projects a "Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ" that "is no one to live for [and] is no one to die for." Driscoll explains, "Jesus was not a long-haired … effeminate-looking dude"; rather, he had "callused hands ...
The film is told from his perspective, and follows a hippie street preacher Lonnie Frisbee (The Chosen’s Jonathan Roumie) who teams up with Pastor Chuck Smith (Kelsey Grammer), a traditionalist struggling to gather a flock. At first they flourish, until their egos clash. ...
morally relativistic American society still experiencing the destructive political and social consequences of the 1960’s. We can easily see the error of the tactics used by the Religious Right in the 1980’s to promote a power-over, politicized Jesus, but it was the social “hippie” revolution...
“Although none of the individual Doobie Brothers were religiously inclined, the song went on to become very popular among Christians during the early 1970s, particularly those within the hippie counterculture that were involved with the Jesus movement. “Jesus Is Just Alright” was one of a numbe...
me. Once past the hippie minefield, I found a decent spot and enjoyed the performance, particularly Andrew VanWyngarden’s voice. The one issue was when VanWyngarden switched out of his electric and into his acoustic guitar to play songs fromCongratulations, which was a lackluster album at ...
Dallas Jenkins, the director and co-producer/co-creator of the extremely popular series The Chosen,believes that the Jesus ofThe Chosenis the “authentic Jesus” whom he hopes to present to the world. But from the beginning of our research and reporting onThe Chosen, we have witnessed a ver...