This movie was a masterpiece, it bought me to tears. The character arc of jesus learning what it truly means to be the son of god was a pleasure to watch unfold never seen the movie. Helpful•2 0 familyguyfan-56484 Apr 21, 2022 ...
Jesus walks on water Jesus death on the cross Learn the Books of the Bible Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like orBooks of the Bible Snackor theBooks of t...
When the kids would ask questions, we’d call on them by pointing toward them and saying, “The person wearing the blue shirt” or “The person with the long, dark hair.” Things like that… And the REASON we did this is because sometimes people get the kid’s gender wrong, and it...
112 minutes on Saturday alone. That happened because I worked out in the morning and did a couple walks around Seattle. I’m shooting outdoor footage for this Friday’s video and that has me all over the place. It should be a good video.Stay tuned!
"Time to Move On" - After leaving the Rock of Eternity, we see Billy and Freddy in their room as kids. Billy is still lamenting everyone doing their own thing, but Freddy isn't paying attention as he uses his laptop. "The Power of Elements" - Hespera raises water droplets up to the...
Kids help me tremendously. Rest, water and decent diet. Your list may look different. It may not have kids on it and have painting instead. It may have swimming as a huge part of your well-being. That’s not something you’d ever find on my list, but hey, we are all individual...
While someone’s water is breaking, ushering in new life, another’s heart is breaking, while life recedes. What a picture this brings. I told Jason it reminded me of a song by Live called Lightning Crashes. Now, this song is twenty-eight years old and I’ve not heard it on the...
to toe, it’s probably not a smart thing to send them back to their cabins to get cleaned up. (If you did that, the next big event of the day would be cabin clean up). So we lined the kids up in a field and got out the fire hose to hose them off. And that water was ...
God had told Moses in Exodus chapter 17 to strike the rock in Horeb (that is, Mount Sinai) to draw water for the people. ThisRead More Moses Wasn’t a Zionist Zionism is basically the concept that the Jewish people are entitled to have an independent Jewish state that is on the land ...
TIM DALY: I did a little bit when my kids were young. And I found that it worked much better on my daughter than my son. I would say to her, (beefs up his voice), “Stop that right now.” And she would be suitably taken aback. But my son, he didn’t really care. ...