The story of Jesus walking on the water is a powerful reminder that we need to have faith in life's storms and trust that Jesus is enough.
flew, or jumped across the lake - this is Jesus we're talking about, He could've done anything He wanted. But He decided that He could teach the disciples something so He started to walk on the water towards their boat.
What did frighten them, however, was seeing an apparition (who turned out to be Jesus) walking on the water! John doesn't include Matthew's account of Peter trying to walk on water; John's purpose is to bring his readers to believe on Jesus as the Son of God. ...
4Again Jesus began to teach by the lake.The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge.2He taught them many things by parables,and in his...
Jesus Walks on the Water 45Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boatand go on ahead of him to Bethsaida,while he dismissed the crowd.46After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. 47Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone...
Peter tried to follow Jesus by walking on the water. He failed and sank; Jesus took him by the hand and gave him a gentle rebuke. (Matthew 14:28-33.) On the Mountain of the Transfiguration Peter witnessed an incredible event when Jesus was seen in all His glory. Peter blew it by no...
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine: Bible Text 1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” ...
When Jesus was seen miraculously walking on water during a storm (Matthew 14:22–33), it was Peter who jumped out of the boat to meet his Lord, though he began to sink as his fears overcame him. It was Peter’s home inCapernaumthat Jesus visited when he cured Peter’s mother-in-la...
- Perform over 30 amazing miracles including the feeding of the 5,000 and walking on water - Receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and increase its power through prayer - Interact with over 60 characters, including Christ’s disciples. Recreate essential events including The Last Supper ...
Note also the story of Jesus Walking on the Water :Mark 6:45-53 : “Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida,” Matthew 14:22-34 : “Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side...