I'm not sure if you've ever tried walking on water, but its impossible. Keep in mind the water was very deep, and I bet some of the fish even noticed Jesus and stopped to watch the miracle. So Jesus walked and walked and finally was close enough to the disciples that He could see...
There's a collection of art for everyone! Browse our most popular collections. New and Featured Art Come Follow Me 2024 Images & Pictures of Jesus Christ Best Sellers Church History Jesus Christ Walking On Water Kids & Christ Gift Peaceful Temple Art ...
“On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 and he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3 Getting into one of the boats, which was S...
Walking on the Water (from "We Are The Monks" EP) (3:43) - We Are The Monks The Battle Over Me (from "I Am Clay") (4:27) - I Am Clay Hope/Anxiety/Fear (from "Speak Every Word") (5:42) - This is the Giant Steady (feat. Catalina Bellizzi) [from "Steady"] (4:36...
One minute we are walking on water and the next we’re sinking in the depths. We will face times of triumph and times of defeat. Like Peter, we have stepped out of the boat for the thrill of joining Jesus and before we know it, we are sinking beneath the waves of confusion, ...
So stories are told about Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, walking on water, wrestling with demons, etc. The story of Jesus’ life closely corresponds to the “Mythic Hero Archetype” found in the myths of all cultures. The birth of a divine hero is supernaturally predicted, and...
to you” (jill is suing the fenmore family for more than her portion of the estate). jill, “ i just want to feel closer to daddy”; lauren, “you want to be closer to daddy”, shoving jill into an open grave, “is that close enough for you?” and it all happened live on tv...
If you were raised in a alcoholic or addicted home, you may feel like you are walking on egg shells, and find it hard to feel at home. In our national anthem sung especially during playoffs, we speak of Canada as our home and native land. How many watched the playoffs recently? Did ...
little kids to teenagers to adults almost as fast as one of those rotating doors in a hotel lobby. From band-aids on boo- boos to full blown medical emergencies where lives are on the line, the days passed. From seeing many dreams realized and some crashed—all these things happened too...
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath Day - One Sabbath day Jesus was walking through the grainfields. His disciples began to break off some heads of grain.