Jesus told Peter that before a rooster crowed the next morning, he would have denied knowing Jesus three times. At the end of the meal, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, which in the Christian religion signifies the covenant between God and humans. After the Last Supper, Jesus and his ...
Christ told Peter that “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat. And I pray that your faith does not fail.” Christ did Not take this challenge away from him but went on to say “when you return to Me, strengthen your brethren, My sheep.” For you see that this is a lesson for ...
1 Peter 1:7 “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” Click here to obtain a free copy of theBook of Mormonand learn of God...
Jesus said to them, "You can be sure that when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne in the New Age, then you twelve followers of mine will also sit on thrones, to rule the twelve tribes of Israel. International Standard VersionJesus told them, "I tell all of you with ...
Just before Jesus went to Calvary to die for the sins of the world, Peter again told Jesus no. Jesus had just told the disciples that He was going to be delivered into the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and teachers of the law and that He must be killed, only to be raise...
网络耶稣 网络释义 1. 耶稣 从使徒行传第四章2节:「因他们教训百姓,『本著耶稣(in Jesus)』,传说死人复活,就很烦恼,」及使徒行传第四章12节…|基于2个网页 释义: 全部,耶稣
Jesus spent some time teaching and debating (Mark 12) and also told his disciples that the Temple would be destroyed (Mark 13:1–2). On one of the days of purification prior to the Passover sacrifice and meal, he performed his most dramatic symbolic action. He entered the part of the ...
Jesus Christ Superstar: Directed by Norman Jewison. With Ted Neeley, Carl Anderson, Yvonne Elliman, Barry Dennen. Film version of the musical stage play, presenting the last few weeks of Christ's life told in an anachronistic manner.
The child Jesus, naturally well aware of this, inquired about his playmates' whereabouts and was told all the children had left. When he asked what the noise coming from the large oven was he was told that pigs were being cooked.
8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” 9 This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.”[a] 10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it...