Throughout much of human history, our most important stories were passed down orally—including the stories about Jesus before they became written down in the Gospels. In this fascinating and deeply researched work, leading Bible scholar Bart D. Ehrman investigates the role oral history has played...
A resource site for Jesus Christ tracts & Jesus Christ info, is a gospel tracts and Christian Bible study ministry in which Kenneth Street's Jesus Christ tracts ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outreac
Jesus is a central figure in Christianity believed to be the incarnation of God. Read about when and where Jesus was born, his age when he died, and more.
but chosen. Jesus had just begun his speaking ministry throughout Galilee. Everyone praised him for his wisdom and divine insight (Luke 4:14-22). Then he came to his hometown of Nazareth and at first even they were wowed that this was the carpenter’s son and boy who used to play in ...
A resource site for Jesus Christ tracts & Jesus Christ info, is a gospel tracts and Christian Bible study ministry in which Kenneth Street's Jesus Christ tracts ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outrea
An entire chapter in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, is devoted to the dignity of women. In addition, God directly addresses women repeatedly throughout the Quran. Islam proclaims that all human beings, men and women, are born in a pure state. ...
Morever, though Funk and Hoover find it “difficult to imagine Jesus making claims for himself . . . ,” this hasn’t been a problem for theologians and Bible scholars throughout the ages, right down to our day. Even those who, in the end, deny that Jesus claimed to be messiah, don...
38“Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue on the tassel of each corner. 39And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, to...
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:28-30)Jesus’ life and death completed many prophecies, which we find throughout the Old Testament. Even when Jesus was in a place of agony and close ...
Explains the background to this 6-lesson Bible study themes of Christ's glory and authority throughout the Bible by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson.