: Australasian Theological Studies...
It’s a gorgeous looking book with a wonderful premise, described below. The city is at a breaking point. Living space is running out. Those in power are forced to execute a desperate measure – introduce a poison to wipe out a huge part of the population. ...
耶稣, 基督, 信仰, 十字架, 基督教的, 上帝(Jesus, Christ, Faith, Cross, Christian, God) 玛丽, 耶稣, 形象, 绘画, 墙, 神圣的, 基督教的(Mary, Jesus, Image, Painting, Wall, Holy, Christian) 书, 圣经, 十字架, 念珠, 基督教, 圣书(Book, Bible, Cross, Rosary, Christianity, The Holy Bo...
NowBluewaterwillmakehistoryagainasittacklesthelifeof,arguablythemostfamouspersoninhistory,JesusChrist.ThebookhighlightsdifferentaspectsofthelifeofChristtoshowthatJesusofNazarethwasmorethanjustagreatmaninhistory,butproofofaprovidentialforceatworkintheuniverse. ...
Written in the style of the bestselling The Book of Virtues, this essential volume for the modern Christian offers an all-embracing collection of the best stories, poems, essays, and songs about the life of Jesus Christ.Jesus: who he was. Jesus as they saw him / William Barclay --He ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Second Coming (redirected fromThe return of Jesus Christ) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Second Coming n.Christianity The return of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment. Also calledAdvent,Second Advent. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
The Book of Revelation: The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ 63 The Apocalyptic Legacy of Early Christianity David A. S谩nchez apocalyptic (adj): of, relating to, or involving terrible violence and destruction: of or relating to the end of the world legacy (noun): something transmitted by or rece...
基督教创自犹太人耶稣基督(Jesus the Christ),耶稣是其名;基督是其尊号。据称於罗马纪元753年(即中国西汉平帝元始元年…|基于95个网页 2. 受膏者耶稣 ...早期教会称耶稣为弥赛亚(参徒二36),跟着又称他为受膏者耶稣(Jesus the Christ[Messiah]),后来再简化为耶稣基督这个 … ...
Information On Refuges During The Great Tribulation Prophet John Leary – Messages – Refuges Prophet John Leary – Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ About Pope Francis Prophet John Leary – Messages – The Antichrist The Book Of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy Introduction To The Messages – Boo...
This article starts with a short introduction to the history of films about Jesus Christ. These were already produced in 1897, within two years of the first ever showing of any film. At first the churches seemed to react positively, but later their attitude reversed. Later yet the churches ...