covering various genres such as narrative, poetry, prophecy, and epistles. It involves understanding the overarching narrative of Scripture, from creation to redemption, and how
Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer - One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to
But, that’s not really the whole story. InScriptureGod tells us he rewards persistence. We see this in the story of the persistent widow inLuke 18:1-8. Where Do We Find This Story, and What Happens? The parable of the persistent widow is found inLuke 18:1-8....
He lights the pathway of salvation for us, showing us who God is and the way to becoming children of God. Prince of Peace “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The ...
or perhaps Yeshua incorporated a phrase from a well-known Jewish prayer. Either way, the concept of asking God not to test us clearly has a place in ancient Jewish sources.” While the Scripture clearly says that God does not tempt us, it is also clear that He can test. Abraham was te...
So, what does Scripture teach? “Fervent prayer avails much” (James 5:16, NKJV). Henry Blackaby explains: “Fervent prayer means we purposefully spend sufficient time in intercession. Fervent prayer means we cry out to the Father, sometimes in tears, with our heart and soul. Fervent prayer...
For more Beloved encouragement including Daily Devotionals, practical advice for everyday Christian living, Bible Studies, and more be sure to visit us at Listen to Beloved Women's Founder & President on her new podcast, Teach Us to Pray! Originally published Tuesday, 01...
“He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone.” (Matthew 14:23) I sometimes wonder how many words I gloss over when I’m reading Scripture. How many precious gems do I overlook, because to my untrained (and ofteninsensitiveorhurriedorsin-blin...
The most important question we can ask when we come to the Bible is “what does this passage reveal to me about God/Jesus and His purposes in the world?” The most important question is not “What principle does this passage teach” or “what does this mean to me?” Scripture has prin...
Yeshua then said to the Pharisees: “Have you not read this Scripture: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our eyes’?” The leaders left because they“perceived that He had told the parable against them.”...