Jesus Christ said that Heaven has many Mansions, and that his Mansion is for him and his followers. Does the Quran support that Heaven has Believers from a variety of Faiths and Creeds? Prophet Muhammad [1]: Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was thoroughly prophesied in the previous...
Heaven’s Son gave up his wealth and emptied himself by becoming poor to reach the poor. As Joseph’s son, he was born dirt poor. Follow his steps and you will see that he deeply cared for the poor, inferior, marginalized, and unclean. He lived as a vagabond to bring good news to ...
How Can I Be Depressed When I Am a Christian? What Loving Your Enemies Really Means (and What it Doesn’t) Why Is Forgiveness So Hard? 5 Ways to 'Count it All Joy' in Troubled Times 6 Gospel Truths about Self-Awareness 6 Things to Consider When Church No Longer Feels Like Home What...
It’s not that I believe God is so loving, he’ll let me in. Well, He is loving, but He is also just, so he can’t let the unrighteous into heaven. And in myself, I am unrighteous. There’s a lot of people who think that being a good person will get them to heaven. But...
so that today Stephen would be born in heaven.” This is speaking rightly and truly of the fruit of Jesus Christ’s birth. If the Christ Child had not been born, the entire world would be lost. Thus, Stephen’s sleep in death and entrance through the open heaven to the glory of God...
or maybe we feel like praying will change God’s mind and get Him to see things our way. But that’s not real prayer. The prayer that Jesus talks about has the power of rending the veil between heaven and earth…the spiritual and the physical. It allows us to see more clearly the ...
“ALL,” not “some,” will go instantly to be with Jesus, who will then take them into heaven, where He has been preparing their dwelling places since He ascended from the Mount of Olives. Again, the pre-trib position on this joyous event is that it is imminent (could happen at any...
I praise you Heavenly Father,for your power over death, proven by the resurrection of your Son. He received a grand welcome back to heaven and now sits on his throne, receiving the honor, glory, and power he deserves[8]. I praise youfor the promise—repeated many times through scripture...
Even in the days of apostasy, and apostasy has occurred several times, the Lord never surrendered this earth and permitted Satan to have complete control. Even when the great apostasy occurred following the death of the Savior’s apostles, our Father in heaven held control and had duly authoriz...
Paul said, “Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ” (Phil 1:27). Some believers have forgotten they are members of a Christian community. They forget they are citizens of heaven and have responsibilities not ...