Jesus speaks of the world’s hatred 17-25 “This I command you, love one another! If the world hates you, you know that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own. But because you do not belong to the world and I have chosen you out of it,...
Yesterday our nephew-in-law died into the arms of Jesus after more than a year of strenuous combat against cancer. He now lives the hope in the new reality we call heaven. The family and clan have hope in this promise and of the presence of the Comforter, The Spirit. He spent his sh...
This statement aligns with the Old Testament imagery of the "way" as a path of righteousness (Psalm 1:6) and echoes the concept of the "way" in Isaiah 35:8, which speaks of a highway of holiness. Jesus fulfills these prophecies by being the embodiment of the path to salvation. and ...
128 - Meet the Mighty Counselor- Bible Story Encounter The Angel of the Lord Speaks through a Donkey 130- Meet the Mighty Counselor- Pick up Your Sword by Lana Vawser 132 - Meet the Deliverer- Burn the Ships 137- Meet the Deliverer: Catching up to the Truth- Bugs Life Clip 2 ...
When Jesus speaks, they are not just his words. They are the Father's words. Jesus is God in the flesh, the Word. This explains his communication as Teacher, Rabbi, Master, and Prophet.Q2. (John 1:1-3, 14) In what sense is Jesus the Word of God? Why do you think he is ...
At which time I was empty of Hope it was horrible. And even though I still had the gift of the Holy Spirit the comforter, Spirit of Truth…I could not have survived without Hope. All of mankind have are given the eternal gifts of Hope/Faith/Love. But not all nurture them. My ...
Jesus speaks up for us before the throne of the Father. And now, we speak up for others who cannot help themselves. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy” (...
s Word to us today. He does not speak on His own authority; He will never speak anything contrary to the Word of God, or anything that is not already witnessed to in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit speaks ONLY the Word of God and also reminds us of what God has already said to...
The fact that God allowed some men to imagine that they were accomplishing their purpose when they were only accomplishing His speaks to the greatness of His goodness, power, and wisdom; it does not in any respect make less vain the intentions of men. It is altogether fitting to genuine ...
He speaks on our behalf when we come into the presence of the Father.Good News TranslationI am writing this to you, my children, so that you will not sin; but if anyone does sin, we have someone who pleads with the Father on our behalf--Jesus Christ, the righteous one. International...