Matthew 12:40: "shall be buried deep in the heart of earth for 3 days and nights as Jonah was deep in the belly of the whale." Jonah was alive: But Jonah was always alive in his ordeal. He was alive on the shore,alive in the whale's belly, and alive when vomited out of the...
JESUS SPEAKS “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when he had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them,“Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”...
Jesus speaks of the world’s hatred - “This I command you, love one another! If the world hates you, you know that it hated me first. If you belonged
The core of society in the Middle East no longer exists. Only violence offers a hope of a better future ” somehow- when the so-called enemies are removed. That is the great delusion that Satan has used to entrap everyone ” his friends and his foes. They are all the same to him ...
Al-Khabar al-ayyib bit膩 Yas奴 al-Mas墨 (the Good News of Jesus Christ, 1927) is one of the earliest, if not the first, translation of the New Testament into colloquial Arabic. Initiated by the British missionary and civil engineer William Willcocks, the translation responds to different ...
Jesus speaks of the Sabbath— - One Sabbath day, as Jesus happened to be passing through the cornfields, his disciples began picking the ears of corn,
Mary’s Words of Advice – Messages Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Who Lost Their Wife And Their Mother Jesus And Mary Speak To Recently Unemployed, The Poor, The Burdened And The Homeless Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To Women Who Have Never...
The Jesus Speaks mobile app delivers Bible verses that Jesus actually spoke to your mobile device daily. Have you ever wondered if God were to speak out loud, what would He say? Find out every day by reading some of the verses the He, Jesus, actually spoke with Jesus Speaks. - With Je...
Jesus Speaks to the Teachers of the Law and the Proud Religious Law-Keepers - (*Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning He went back
Jesus Speaks to His Disciples - Meanwhile, thousands of people had gathered. They were so crowded that they stepped on each other. Yeshua spoke to