A very interesting and accessible defense of premillennialism from a scholar who teaches at Dallas Theological Seminary. I feel the publisher did Svigel wrong by forcing him to cut the meat out of the book and publish them as excurses on his own website. Svigel is a dipensationalist, bu...
and to give his life a ransom for many”To sum up, during his first advent he rendered the greatest service, a service which no angel, no creature was able to render, and prepared the kingdom for his believers and elect. But when the number of the elect is complete, he will return ...
Journal of Discourses 7:289“…no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith. From the day that the Priesthood was taken from the earth to the winding-up scene of all things, every man and woman must have the...
This is why I say Jesus Christ is not my personal Lord and Savior: He is OUR Lord and Savior. The difference between those two ways of thinking is the difference between a kingdom of one and the Kingdom of Heaven. Now truly, which Kingdom would you rather live in?
A Kingdom Here on Earth: Jesus the Social Revolutionarydoi:10.1353/stu.2023.a915881JESUS ChristSOCIAL justicePOVERTYMeVerry, PeterStudies: An Irish Quarterly
The Roman soldiers whipped and beat Jesus, placed a crown of thorns on his head, and led him off to Mount Calvary. Jesus was crucified alongside two thieves, one at his left and the other at his right. Above his head was the charge against him, “King of the Jews.” At his feet ...
19–20). This power keeps us enduring when we want to give up; it showcases God’s glory and brings lasting change. Because Paul relied on God’s provision, he accomplished more for the kingdom with his thorn than he could have without it. His greatest strength lay in his submission ...
“Nowhere does Jesus construct a system of ethics or author a theology of evil. In broad terms, what we can do to undo evil is clear—act on his words, treat all as equals, seek the kingdom, go and do likewise, repent, follow, forgive, and love—but unless we face the evils withi...
"Establish"ishistēmi, "to set up or put into force, establish."29 Old Testament sacrifice is now obsolete and is "set aside" for that reason, since Christ's once-for-all sacrifice on the cross has been made. He sets aside animal sacrifice (the shadow), to establish in our hearts and...
Daniel 7 repeats Daniel 2, but begins to layer in detail and some facts that are difficult to accept. Daniel 7 fills in some elements of time, but even more obvious is its attention to the power ruling just before God sets up His kingdom. ...