"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, 'Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.' He replied, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you...
After God had questioned Job extensively concerning the wisdom and power inherent in creation (something that Job could see with his own eyes) as revealing the wisdom and power of the Creator, Job cried out, “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; ...
2000 years ago I lived as Jacob and was known as the brother of Yeshua. As predicted, Satan has ruled the hearts and minds of believers, and the church has become spiritually disenfranchised by manmade doctrines. Our Heavenly Father has heard your prayer
the clinical depression has changed, now it slams. It used to be kind of low grade, kind of a grey fog, a steady and tedious despair, but now it’s more like a black lightning bolt.
A wonderful and extraordinarily learned history of the early years of theological liberalism. It’s the first of a three-volume trilogy. I found Dorrien’s definition of liberalism helpful. He sees it as avia media“between the authority-based orthodoxies of traditional Christianity and the spiritl...
Point 8: Michael does not have the authority to rebuke satan but JESUS/YESHUA’YAH does as YAH/the LORD. Point 9: That I Thessalonians 4:16 really can be explained rightly, sigh…. Point 10: Michael is an angel and is not the SON of GOD/ELOHIM. JESUS/YESHUA’YAH is the SON of GO...
when the film's villain dons the crown, we see him in Hell before he comes to life with a Satan-looking appearance. He has two big ram's horns on his head and an upsidedown star engraved on his chest. I, personally, found the imagery uncomfortable on a spiritual level, but the ...
My words will change now because the atmosphere has changed. Like a mother who sees a new danger changes her words and asks her children to stay closer. Tuesday, June 30, 2015 MARY What cannot yet be seen will be the toll upon American life that had always enjoyed an innoc...
Jeff refuses the bodily invasive laser to his head in thermometer form by corporate not-sees. “Pyrometers” (laser thermal meters) are dangerous. The name alone tells it all. Stand by for the study on these laser wielding firearm devices. Jeff’s video is at the end of this article. Do...
Like with the statue built by King Nebuchadnezzar (or the giant chocolate bunny if you saw the Veggie Tales version), all of the people are commanded to worship the image and killed if they will not. This is the context of the mark of the beast. The false prophet oversees a system in...