May we continue to hate sin, as we spread the gospel message to sinners. Help us to love those who are lost and to always speak the truth, that Your kingdom would grow larger with every passing moment. We love You Father, we praise You, and we thank You, and we ask and pray all...
Because we all have anaturaltendency to hate God and our neighbor. This tendency isnaturalbecause it’s innate, it’s our default setting, it isn’t a learned behavior—it’s just the way we are. The apostle Paul, a Jewish man, pointed out that even Jews had no advantage with God on...
God laughs because his plan was already coronated as He says, “I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” (v.6) There is no need to crown him as he has already been crowned before the world was created. Whether you acknowledge it or not, you have been given a king. You’ve ...
condemn, and scapegoat others. One premier place we see this in 1 John is when John gives the example of Cain murdering his brother Abel (Gen 4). This murder is the first sin in the Bible, and sets the stage for all sinful behavior that follows. ...
The genocidal Muslim and Marxist nations that hatefully oppose the Jews and their nation of Israel will then be devastated and suppressed by the Returning King Jesus Himself... because He truly is, just as Pilate once had it proclaimed in the sign above His cross, "the King of the Jews....
Here people living in these nice settings die anyway at the hands of those who hate them. So, it is true, here the peace of Christ Jesus is deep within you. This is that peace which passes all understanding. It requires you to abide in Christ, see John 15. Then grab ahold of his ...
The genocidal Muslim and Marxist nations that hatefully oppose the Jews and their nation of Israel will then be devastated and suppressed by the Returning King Jesus Himself... because He truly is, just as Pilate once had it proclaimed in the sign above His cross, "the King of the Jews....
Don’t Murder. Murder is sin, and God has commanded that we are not to do it. Don’t pretend that someone else is a husband or a wife. God says it is wrong for someone to act as though another person is a wife or husband. ...
I will not tell you that you will lose your salvation because if you “BELIEVE” and “TRUST” in Jesus Yeshua as the Son of God as He says He is, you are saved! However, it could deeply wound your relationship with God, creating an urgent need for reconciliation and healing between ...
...while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,... - Titus 2:13