Charles Dickens in 1841 said that good people in the United States often avoid running for politics, because the press is so nasty towards them, mercilessly destroying their reputation. Sadly, politics in Canada and the accompanying media coverage is getting much bloodier. Our famous Canadian polite...
“the Lamb who was slain from the creation-foundation of the world.”It is the same with Revelation 5:6,“…in the center of the throne…in the center of… a Lambkin standing, as though slain…”Rev 13:8 describes the messianic spirit seen in the Old Testament from Genesis 1. Moreove...
A while back, I asked God why I keep doing the things I don’t want to do. Why do I keep entertaining my doubts, or keep having that same conversation in my head as I justify my actions towards someone who hasn’t even thought about me? Why do I stay angry with people who are ...
The mystery of Jesus’ blood now more than ever is that His blood type & line now runs through the veins of His living breathren. Rapture/Lake of Fire/Transfiguration of the chosen few, will ALL happen at the same time pretty much. Some will see a terrifying explosion. While others see...
If you’re a Christian and you have NOT, you stand REBUKED IN JESUS’ NAME. Please don’t tell me that’s not your gifting or calling, you’re a hypocrite. Repent of your apathy towards the oppressed and orphans of this world.
It shapes our communication, it runs businesses and it develops reality (true or not). The beast is real and there is nothing that we can do to stop it. Like all things, our sinful hearts have twisted something that was originally good and turned it bad. Luckily, we are loved by the...
glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.We praise you, we bless you, we worship you, we glorify you, we give thanks to you for yourgreat glory.O Lord, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty, O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, andthe Holy ...
A heat mist steams towards the shores, particularly towards the southern end of the lake. Tiberias is veiled with it, and Tarichea is also veiled with it. A low fog, not dense, that will melt in the early sun. In order to avoid it they prefer to go along...
As with many of the Bible and Theology questions I answer, I find it helpful to step back a little bit and get the big picture for this question. The question is not just about why God waited so long to send Jesus, but about all the seeming delays in the redemptive plan of God. Th...
Rich towards God, or confusing material prosperity with the spiritual is a deadly trap to fall into. Many of the prophets spoke directly to that temptation, and riches was not to be the gauge which one was to use. Life is short–death comes way too suddenly. The rich fool didn’t have...