Jesus rides into Jerusalem - Jesus and his disciples were coming near to Jerusalem. They were almost at the villages called Bethphage and Bethany.
Jesus prophesied this event, fulfilling some 300 prophecies to the letter yet was rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High “Melchisedek”; an “Alternative Christ” will be born/revealed on 9 Av who comes in his own name; Daniel refers to him as the “God of forces” ...
Peter didn’t agree with Jesus’ plan to go to Jerusalem and allow Himself to be killed and to rise again. That’s a pretty basic disagreement. But it’s on the foundation of faith like Peter’s that Jesus builds. Disagree, but don’t divide. Dialogue. And don’t forget that, in ...
Jesus rides into Jerusalem - Jesus and his disciples were coming near to Jerusalem. They were almost at the villages called Bethphage and Bethany.