What kind of God comes to earth to die? Why did He do that!? He died for you! (John 3:16) Is that not enough love for you to accept Him? Filed Under: Bible: The Bible Says, Jesus the Christ, Salvation Tagged With: accept Him, agape love, base your belief, came to die, died...
SONOMA, Calif. —A group of 30 biblical scholars assessing the most likely teachings of the historical Jesus agreed overwhelmingly Saturday that Jesus did not say that he would return to Earth and usher in a new age. Predictions of a Second Coming were put on Jesus’ lips by later followers...
(Theology) the prophesied return of Christ to earth at the Last Judgment Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
When we finally are brought into His Kingdom, instead of on this earth with His Holy Spirit, then we will have Him, not just merely faith and hope. Christian Answers Regarding Islam Muhammad, or Jesus the Messiah? Which is the One sent by Father God? We’ve got to get this right, ...
2028 END BOOK “Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return To Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After The Year of His Death” (Written by: Gabriel Ansley Erb) VISIT BOOK’S WEBSITE HERE UndeniableBiblicalProof.com
Jesus is kicked out of Heaven for being a homosexual, stripped of his powers and cast down to Earth as punishment. He suffers a mental breakdown and creates an alter ego as a wizard. After an altercation, an Atheist jerk, a poor guy down ...See more ...
Jesus Will Return to Earth to Rule as King of KingsThe very name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, proclaims that these are the latter days and that Jesus will soon return to rule and reign on the earth. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that Joseph Smith ...
to go.Jesus has promised to return to the earth one day but hereas the catch, no-one knows when that day will be.In Matthew 24:36 Christ says, aNo one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.aWe just have to be ready ...
When Jesus, the Son of God lived in the earth, He taught many things about the Kingdom of Heaven. Some of these teachings were hard to hear, like theParable of the Sowerand theParable of the Wheat and Tares. It seems as if the way to the Kingdom of Heaven is in-fact narrow, as...
Appointed Times, since they give insight into the Messiah’s return to earth and His coronation as the divine king. It is in these shadows that we learn about His return, about His redeeming work of mankind, and about the paradise that is to come on a fresh, newly created planet earth....