Take five to 10 index cards and punch a hole in the upper left corner of each. Have the child decorate each card with a chore that he promises to do when presented with that card. For example, a card may say "take out the trash" with a picture of a trash can. You can use clip...
Biblical Description of Jesus Video- Why is Jesus Christ presented in the Bible as the only one qualified to bring us into God's presence? Dr. Erwin Lutzer answers. Blood of Jesus- What is the significance of Jesus’ blood? Find out the meaning and how you can make it personal. ...
Jesus: "I have a voice and in my own words for anyone who has an ear to hear." Jesus: "This website could not have been presented on the internet without the contributions of millions of people past and present from the Body of Christ and also those from the family of God." ...
In 1914, the Society of the Nazarene was first sponsored by William Temple, who later became Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1926, the Society of the Nazarene was officially approved and endorsed by the Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops as the healing organization of the Anglican Communion. In ...
The 1st Breach in the Walls occurred on 17 Tammuz 3 weeks before; in 2016 this is July 23, the first full day the Sun enters Leo. The destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD results in the deaths of several million people from Starvation, War, Disease, Slavery and Gladiatorial ...
It’s also pretty sick when you see what the video is all about. It is a comedy sketch about putting children in cages, forcing them to be clowns, and abusing them when they cry to be released. This is satanism, folks, pure and unadulterated satanism presented as som...
Presented in a clear contextual manner that was easy to follow along. You connected the dots for me that had previously brought so much confusion, namely the 4th seal covenant, the 5th seal tribulation saints, and the 6th seal 2nd Coming...
or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people....
rather it was a Zorostrian temple. One of the 3 wisemen who visited new born Jesus was a Zorostrian Priest who after the crucifixation started practising Christianity & converted the temple to the christian church. At that time videography was mamnoo in Iran so I could not do any video...
the woman of waiting and of hope. Then we see her at Bethlehem, where he who was announced as Savior of Israel and as Messiah is born in poverty. Then, while she is at Jerusalem to present him in the Temple, with the joy of the elderly Simeon and Anna, she hears the promise of ...