1. Jesus foretells his own death.3. The rulers conspire against him.6. The woman anoints his feet.14. Judas bargains to betray him.17. Jesus eats the Passover;26. institutes his holy supper;30. foretells the desertion of his disciples, and Peter's denial;36. prays in the garden;47...
Jesus's predicting His death wasn't part of the Gospel?Go look it up. I won't do it for you.How stupid are you?Even Daniel said "Messiah would be cut off in the middle of the week". That meant killed.The Apostles didn't preach death and resurrection AFTER Jesus ascended?Acts 2 ...
In the 9th century, Byzantine art began to show a dead Christ, with closed eyes, reflecting current concern with the mystery of his death and the nature of the Incarnation. This version was adopted in the West in the 13th century with an ever-increasing emphasis on his suffering, in ...
God The Father's plan for this Universe in which we live is that a Remnant of humanity will be loyal to Him and His Son and be protected from destruction and Hell. . . so the "saved" Christian believers of our world are confident that they (we) will be saved from death by a new...
Jesus is credited with predicting his betrayal, but it must have been pretty obvious that something was in the air. He was not stupid, and his finger was on the pulse of the nation. But instead of fighting his fate, he accepted it. Would Christianity be around today if Jesus had ...
God The Father's plan for this Universe in which we live is that a Remnant of humanity will be loyal to Him and His Son and be protected from destruction and Hell. . . so the "saved" Christian believers of our world are confident that they (we) will be saved from death by a new...
6. Bartholomew – met his death by being flayed or skinned alive, and then beheaded. 7. Thomas – speared to death near Madras on the east coast of India 8. Mathew – martyrdom in Ethiopia or Persia 9. James, son of Alphaeus – martyrdom in Egypt ...
predicting between 100,000 to 240,000 deaths domestically, this has many people thinking about the possibility of dying and at the very least, coping with the loss of a loved one at this time. Death is an eventuality that most of us didn’t plan on confronting this soon, especially on ...
He saw before him a soul which (before even His own death should be accomplished) would be "gone to its place." He still feels the same trouble for thee, O sinner! whosoever thou art. His holy children also feel the same cause for mourning — none but devils and sinners rejoice....
“Jesus Knew, but Judas ate too. ...He knows it is Judas who will turn against him.He knows that He has been sold out for a handful of silver.Stabbed in the back by one He has poured His life into. Yet, in that room, hours before the death of Jesus, Judas ate too. ...