At Beersheba God taught His people many lessons in how to relate to their neighbours, some of which have an abiding relevance today. It was here for instance that Hagar, the Egyptian servant of Sarah, and her son Ishmael, abandoned by Abraham in the desert, encountered the angel of God. ...
It denoted the visit of the three Magi to the baby Jesus in his crib, the baptism of Jesus by the river Jordan and the wedding at Cana where Jesus is said to have performed his first miracle, turning water to wine. The Magi became the most prominent celebration of the Epiphany, and ...
The calling of the first disciples is an amazing Bible story and will make a wonderful Sunday School lesson. Use the fisher of men Bible lesson any time of the year. Peter Walks on Water Bible Story Book Jesus performed a miracle in Peter’s fishing boatand Peter could not believe what h...
Jesus is played by Brian Deacon, and he is one of the best actors to play our Savior. He presents Jesus in both ways performance wise. His portrayal is very human and divine at once. There are other good performances as well, such as Niko Nitai, who plays Peter. Alexander Scourby, ...
Jesus performed this, the first of His signs, at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.John 12:23But Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.John 17:1When Jesus had spoken these things, He lifted up His eyes ...
The very first miracle performed by Jesus is when he turned water into wine at a wedding. Read why this Bible story is so important and how the "quiet miracles" are the ones that can change the faith of many.
As God had directed her, Mary did not speak, she merely pointed to the baby in her arms. Then Jesus, son of Mary, spoke. As a newborn baby, Jesus, the Prophet of God performed his first miracle. By the permission of God he said: ...
John includes this miracle to show Jesus' power, help his readers believe in Jesus as the Son of God, and lead into Jesus' discourse on the Bread of Life. But I believe Jesus actually performed this miracle mainly for the disciples' benefit. Jesus could have created bread at the snap of...
Jewish religious leader who was crucified in Jerusalem after his teaching and reported miracle-working incurred the disfavor of the Roman government of Palestine. In Christianity, Jesus is seen as Christ and as the Son of God. [Middle English, from Late Latin Iēsus, from Greek Iēsous, from ...
One of the chief functions transmitted to his disciples was the "power over unclean spirits, to cast them out" (Matt. x. 1), and his superiority to his followers was shown by his casting out demons which they had failed to expel (ix. 14-29). As regards the miracle in which Jesus ...