As I said, The Jesus Film stays very close to Luke. There are many well done scenes, such as Mary's visit from Gabriel, the Crucifixion and Reurrection, and miracles such as the feeding of the 5,000 and bringing a dead girl to life. We see parables like The Good Samaratian and an...
What Happened to Your Hand?(little girl on Jesus' lap questions the scar in his hand) Christ with the Children. Christ Ordaining the Apostles(oil mural, 1964) Sermon on the Mount Simon the Cyrene Carries the Cross, Jesus walks alongside. ...
This week we are learning about the letter “D” andDivine Mercy Jesus. Jesus appeared to St. Faustina, and asked her to have a painting made of this vision with the words “Jesus I Trust in You”. The two rays represent Blood and Water. Materials Needed To Complete This Craft: Divine...
A little girl, accepted by God, her heavenly Father. Seems I needed a reminder of that good news. And how like God to make sure I got it this time through the painting below. Yes, I recently moved it. And no longer does it hover over my jewelry box, where I keep all my adornme...
Almost immediately, the little girl jumped up, recognizing the voice and ran into the man’s arms. There wasn’t a question in anyone’s mind: this was her daddy. She was found. The father had found his lost little girl. The relief in the air was palpable. People clapped. The kids ...
That woman God is referring to is a young Essene girl, who lived some two millennia ago. By her was found kindness but also favour by God. TheBibletells us also that this child was going to be called “the Son of the Most High”, though it was going to be born out of man and ...
Personal perspective permits us to look at a painting or listen to a lyric and be inspired or changed or blessed by a fresh set of eyes, a different point view, a refreshing revelation. In order for us to gather all the good that comes from our individuality, I guess, we must too mak...
56A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, “This man was with him.” 57But he denied it. “Woman, I don’t know him,” he said. 58A little later someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them.”“Man, I am not!
I remember as a little girl, about the same time I was at the Molalla Buckaroo performing for those cowboys at five years old, we went to the rodeos. I remember watching the rodeo queen make her run at the very beginning of the rodeo, flying around the arena at top speed on a beaut...
The Many Similarities Between Jesus and Buddha What Is the Definition of Atheist and Agnostic? Why Is Belief in God So Universal and Persistent? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers Mythic Origins of Christianity and How It's Similar to Paganism...