As I said, The Jesus Film stays very close to Luke. There are many well done scenes, such as Mary's visit from Gabriel, the Crucifixion and Reurrection, and miracles such as the feeding of the 5,000 and bringing a dead girl to life. We see parables like The Good Samaratian and an...
Hades (and occasionally Ares) in the Justice League cartoon was also painted as Satan, or a reasonable facsimile. Even more explicitly, Justice League Unlimited showed Tartarus as an analogy to Hell to the point that it actually had demons that shirked in fear from Hawkgirl when they mistook...
So, following in the footsteps of the Jewish sages, John painted a picture of God’s Word/Wisdom in the prologue of his Gospel. The most shocking element of this picture, of course, is the unprecedented identification of Word/Wisdom with a man, with Jesus of Nazareth. I’ll examine this...
Daddy’s Girl I painted the above of me and my Daddy a couple of years back. And this past November I used it at the beginning of the section of something I was writing called Painter’s Daughter. Lo and behold, I found a coat that looked just like it in Annabelle’s size at th...
will reward those to whom the desire of their souls was a voice of an intimate law to attain the final scope of man, which is to be reunited to his Creator, to the God unknown to the heathens, but to the God Who they feel is True and Holy, beyond the ...
There has been a supernatural move of God as He visited 200 men in Gaza. Michael wrote, “Over the past two days, we have ministered to hundreds of fathers who have lost most, if not all, of their children in the war. As we moved these men to safety, we fed them, washed their ...
he taught her how to lay shingles on the roof of the nest box. She stretched chicken wire over the coop and we both watched our girl in amazement as she painted the finished project. Complete with a mini courtyard and a separate room for the nest box, it looked like a coop one would...
s busiest airport during the event. Pilots conducted an average of 148 takeoffs or landings per hour, with up to three airplanes landing on big colored dots painted on three runways at the same time, then turning off into the grass, taxing to parking spaces guided by an army of well-...
The attraction features 68 wood-carved horses and more than 3,300 lights, while the vignette scenery inside the carousel is all hand-painted. You may also like: Least visited destinations in the world July 17, 1955: Main Street Cinema Loren Javier // Flickr July 17, 1955: Main Street ...
Tissot painted many, many events in the Life of Christ. You'll see links to hundreds of his paintings on this and a companion site.Paintings on the Life of Christ The Passion of Christ James Tissot, The Palsied Man Let Down Through the Roof, Brooklyn Museum...