Jesus is literally still the healer – our great physician. We know from the scriptures that Jesus healed thousands of people in his short life. From physical sickness to mental torment, to emotional suffering. Jesus is able to heal us; spirit, soul, and body. Healer in every area of life...
Christian scripture also describes Jesus as the Son of God whose sacrificial death renewed humanity's relationship with God and conferred the forgiveness of sins. The Easter festival commemorates the life, death, and resurrection of the adult Jesus. The Christmas festival, by contrast, celebrates ...
6 For in Scripture it says: 'See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 7 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, 'The stone the builders rejected has ...
Treasury of Scripture By stretching forth your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of your holy child Jesus. By stretching. Exodus 6:6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egypt...
Treasury of Scripture And Jesus said to him, You have both seen him, and it is he that talks with you. Thou. John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whet...
It is clear in Scripture that sometimes afflictionsdocome as a result of sin (1 Corinthians 11:30; Psalm 38:3; James 5:16). This may have been the case in the man healed at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:14). But Job's afflictions weren't the result of sin -- even though his...
being told that it was a heresy, an outrage, to challenge the inerrancy of the Bible. Weyler beautifully illustrates why there’s no reason to shy away from scholarship; even those who still take a literal view of scripture should be heartened to find such a compelling look at these issues...
In Scripture, we also… jesusbeloved-louis Read More Pursue The Healer And Be Healed (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode February 22, 2024 zero comment Sign up for our Gospel Partner newsletter & get access to a FREE MASTERCLASS ON HEALING: https://www.gospel...
Because if someone without confirmation of Scripture disagrees with us and shows it by being Rude and Unloving or they claim they will just agree to disagree which never works in reality and they do so instead of seeking to resolve our differences as God asks us to do (see below) than th...
Then Philip opened his mouth, andbeginning at this Scripture,preached Jesusto him. Acts 8:35 Which word did Philip open? It was the books of the old testament! The Old Testament Teaches us and Gives Us Hope: For whatever things were written before werewritten for our learning, that we th...