The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection, the belief in God's saving grace through Jesus is destroyed. When Jesus rose from the dead, he confirmed his identity as the Son of God and his work of atonement, redemption, reconciliation, ...
It was all of us – our sinful selves that needed atonement. Jesus didn’t have to forgive us, but he loved us so much that He prayed to Father in heaven that we would be forgiven.Bible verses about loving through the truthSharing the truth in love...
bore our sins in his body. The theological term for this is "Substitutionary Atonement," that is, the sacrifice becomes a substitute for the sinner and bears the punishment for the sinner's sins. Substitutionary atonement is a very strong theme in Isaiah 53, especially verses 4-6 and 10-...
Bible is Reliable Scripture Database Scriptures that show Mormons can fully trust God's word! Blood Atonement 600 BC Jerusalem & America Historical evidence proves Lehi & Nephi didn't exist! And It Came to Pass 20% of verses in the Book of Mormon contain the phrase "and it came to pass...
In the fullest of these passages (Leviticus 17:10-14), the prohibition is grounded upon the facts that the blood is the physical seat of animal life, and that the blood maketh atonement for the soul. It was the life-element poured out before God instead of the life of the soul that ...
We believe He will soon send His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) to come and meet His Bride (in the air) to take us to His Father's home (heaven) for 7 years and the Wedding Supper of the Lamb! This is called the Pretribulation Rapture!
Now in light of what we know about atonement through blood and holiness, look again at our passage, noting especially some of the keywords that are repeated later in this passage twice or more: "13The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonia...
What Jesus has already done is revealed in verses 4-5. He amplifies His thought by describing the glory for which He makes request. Jesus glorified the Father on the earth by completing the work the Father gave Him to do. The "work" is the work of atonement for our sins which will gl...
, atonement, resurrection), the role of the Holy Spirit, the authority of Scripture, salvation by grace through faith, and the future hope of believers. Sharing the full counsel of God means upholding these doctrines without compromising their integrity, providing a solid foundation for our faith...
Q5. (John 3:36) Is it possible to believe in God's love and God's wrath at the same time? How does God's justice allow salvation, when what we deserve is punishment for our sin and unbelief? (Hint: the "substitutionary atonement.") ...