A collection of the top 37 Jesus Phone wallpapers and backgrounds available for download for free. We hope you enjoy our growing collection of HD images to use as a background or home screen for your smartphone or computer. Please contact us if you want to publish a Jesus Phone wallpaper ...
Let’s give these two men on the Emmaus Road a little grace. 48-hours earlier Jesus was unrecognizable. He was beaten, bruised and bloody. His beard was plucked. He was naked and scarred. Some of their last images of Jesus were traumatic and grotesque. To think that Jesus survived the ...
Over the centuries, pastors and theologians have proposed dozens of explanations as to why this happens. Some say we just need to be more “filled with the Spirit.” Others say that the problem is that people who don’t live like Christians were never really Christians in the first place,...
Jesus appropriated these images when speaking of himself as the Son of Man who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Through the “ransom” paid by his suffering and death, he would set many free from their captivity, just li...
This analemma photo is a composite of 365 images of the Sun, made every day at 3 p.m. in Colorado. The shape, resembling the figure 8, comes from This analemma photo is a composite of 365 images of the Sun, made every day at 3 p.m. in Colorado. The shape, resembling the figur...
very precious, and she broke the box, and poured it on his head”. A single word, in plain sight, yet hidden amongst the volume of text, has leapt off the pages of old and issues forth a pause;“broke”.Immediately Jesus appears, in the forefront of our thoughts, and images begin ...
The connection between the image of God and the prohibition in the Mosaic Law against making graven images. How Jesus as the perfect image of God shows us how to live as the image of God. Three suggestions for how you can live as the image of God on earth. ...
Robert Powell’s face, bearing more than a passing resemblance to traditional representations of Jesus, has been transfigured into a meme of the face of Christ in pop-culture images and in many people’s imaginations. The same is true to an extent of Olivia Hussey and the Virgin Mary. ...
Prophecy is powerful because it tells a story in a very impactful way. Strange images, bizarre sayings, odd symbols—it’s all there, ready to fire the imagination. The medium is so much different than a narrative like Acts, a poem like Song of Solomon, or a lawyerly argument like Roman...
ve seen some of these videos of people where, you know, folks who have lived in those homes for 25, 30, 35 years, and everything is gone. And whatever your political affiliation, it’s hard not to see those images and just be heartbroken for our fellow Americans who are going ...