Instead, it comes from years of conversation, and in order to converse, one first has to learn the language in which to communicate — meaning that the greatest gift a parent can give a child is to teach it Hebrew and familiarize it with the stories of the Bible from the get-go (...
Meaning Usage Pronunciation Famous Impression Other I don't see the issue with it, even in primarily english-speaking areas. People name their children in honor of saints all the time. Also, the bible doesn't say that you cannot use God's name *at all* - just not to use it in vain...
But by degrees this literal meaning dropped away from the invitation, or at least became secondary to that of imitation, which must be the only meaning when Paul, adopting the language of his Master, calls upon men and women to be "followers" of him, as he was of Christ. It is seldom...
The second part of the name Bar-Jesus is obviously the same as the very common name Jesus, which is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name Joshua, and that name comes from the root group ישע (yasha'), meaning to save, and שוע (shawa), meaning to cry for help:...
Daniel 3:26 in Aramaic says "Servants of Allah (GOD Most High GOD)". Sam Shamoun showed where portions of his OT is mixed between Hebrew and Aramaic writings. He also unintentionally proved that the Hebrew "ben" (son) is not the same as the Aramaic "bar" (wrongly gets translated as...
Luke 5:21 sn Uttering blasphemies in the NT has a somewhat broader meaning than mere exclamations or pronouncements. It could mean to say something that dishonored God, but it could also involve claims to divine prerogatives (in this case, to forgive sins on God’s behalf). Such claims wer...
) What has not, perhaps, been sufficiently noted is, that the Greek word is not the true key to the difficulty, and that its double sense has led men to seek the meaning in a wrong direction. The dialogue was between One who was called and one who really was a Rabbi. The word ...
Icons carry meaning in addition to the esthetics we expect from visual art. That meaning, or content, might relate on a very personal level to the viewer and thus have a high degree of value, regardless of the aesthetic qualities. For example, an Icon of Saint Luke will resonate with ...
Life still has a meaning long into the future even amidst my inability to see it in the present. Episode 18 Story: God and Money In this episode, the guys explore the story of two Harvard Business School graduates who were confronted with a biblical view of money that changed their ...
Translations from AramaicLamsa BibleJesus answered and said to him, What I am doing, you do not know now, but later you will understand.Aramaic Bible in Plain EnglishYeshua answered and said to him, “What I am doing now you do not understand, but after this you will know.” NT Transla...