Scripture promises if you move closer to God, he will move closer to you. Wherever you are in your pursuit of Christ, you can draw closer still. In The One Jesus Loves, you will learn about each of the six circles, and what it takes to move further in, closer and closer to Jesus....
from economic challenges to mass migration from other countries. On the religious front, the Catholic Church has decided to canonize another saint. However, this one differs
The Bible has the answer, but it is not what most people want to know. 3.) The Actions of Unconverted Believers The unloving, critical, judgmental nature of people in church or in public can do more to convince an unbeliever that God doesn’t exist or, at the least, not want a part...
Go out into the world and twist scripture so that no one is offended. This also applies to people misinterpreting the words of Jesus! Just remember, when in doubt – Jesus said LOVE. Don’t miss our favoriteinspirational bible quotes. From our collection offunny church signs. While I would...
They have been in the hands of the Church from the beginning, and, though she has not always valued them according to their true and priceless worth, she has never failed to number them with the choicest jewels in the casket of Holy Scripture. Nevertheless, it may be freely granted that ...
Now, notice the author in the Book of Revelation does identify himself as John, but he has a complete different language and style of writing from the other books, which created much uncertainty about its validity in the Church.My questions here are: Who wrote the Books? And is or is ...
More importantly, we see how all of Scripture is connected. We see that God is sovereign over history. We see that God knew what was going to happen from eternity past. We see that God keeps His promises of restoration as well as wrath. ...
AugustineBaptismCourageEncouragementJesus ChristScripture “Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”St. Augustine Share this: ...
While I am fully aware this sounds mundane, when you glance over this, one will discover how the Church knew no bounds when trying to pull the wool over the eyes of its followers. And surprisingly (or maybe not), they’re still banking on the same doctrines they did way back when. ...
BonoLet’s not get too hard on the Holy Roman Church here.The Church has its problems, but the older I get, the more comfort I find there.The physical experience of being in a crowd of largely humble people, heads bowed, murmuring prayers, stories told in stained-glass windows … ...