2. Sing Along & record karaoke style to different remixes of the song "Jesus Loves Me" and share with your family and friends! 3. Watch 6 animated shorts featuring Jack & Scarlett. They are teaching simple Bible verses pertaining to God's love in a fun, kid friendly format. ...
2. Sing Along & record karaoke style to different remixes of the song "Jesus Loves Me" and share with your family and friends! 3. Watch 6 animated shorts featuring Jack & Scarlett. They are teaching simple Bible verses pertaining to God's love in a fun, kid friendly format. ...
Help your daughter, or a girl you know, grow deeper in her identity as God’s precious daughter. As she explores the story of Eve, she’ll discover she has a Father who is proud of her, who delights in her, and who loves her unconditionally. A 3-part Bible devotional study for girl...
2. Sing Along & record karaoke style to different remixes of the song "Jesus Loves Me" and share with your family and friends! 3. Watch 6 animated shorts featuring Jack & Scarlett. They are teaching simple Bible verses pertaining to God's love in a fun, kid friendly format. ...
Warning: All information on the ABCJesusLovesMe website, on Facebook Groups under the ABCJesusLovesMe name, and on the Parenting to Impress blog is for general information purposes only. All the activities and ideas shared require adult supervision and children under the age of three should ...
27. “By the timekidsare five I want them to know three things – God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.”– Carey Nieuwhof 28. “God, in his infinite wisdom understands, loves, and cares for all of us.”– Oliver Powell ...
As I mentioned last time, they have infested my Facebook feed with their inane Jesus-Loves-You Amen BS and now I find they’ve practically taken over a science page I occasionally read calledFrom Quarks and Quasars,a sometimes sensationalist site that collects together science posts from other...
As the Father described the plan of salvation and the need for a Savior, it was Jesus who stepped forward and said humbly but courageously, ‘Here am I, send me.’ (Abr. 3:27; see also Moses 4:2.) Never has anyone offered to do so much for so many with so few words! “It ...
- We have allsinnedand deserve God's judgment.God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that Hediedfor our sins, taking the punishment that we ...
for you - Admitting I was wrong - Titus on: What the Word of God Teaches - Making God - I Look Oh My God - One Human Race - Puny Humans - Following - What Jesus stands for - What Jesus Taught - What Jesus wants to see in me - What Jesus Thinks - How a tare thinks - Which...