This vacation bible school program is chock full of fun crafts and activities for all kids ages preschool through teens. Get your program now! I wanted a “Jesus Loves Me” craft that really focused on the “me” part of that. I thought a picture frame with the child’s picture was per...
Colloquial Cantonese Kids’ Educational Resources and Printables → ← Cantonese Online Dictionaries6 thoughts on “Jesus Loves Me Cantonese Lyrics / 耶穌愛我粵語詩歌歌詞” Oli says: This is the only Cantonese Christian song I remember from my childhood and have been able to pass down to my tod...
rules keep us safe. Talk about how it would be on the roads if there were no stop signs, driving lanes, or stop lights. Explain that God loves them so much that He gave us rules to keep us safe and happy. In the Old Testament of the Bible, these rules were called the 10 ...
The children practice printing these words and printing their name at the end "Jesus Loves Joey". VARIATION: Make cards that say Jesus Loves You! and deliver to a local nursing home, school staff or others! Return to TopMore Themes You May Like:Jesus...
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.‘”– John 14:6 Jesus reveals God as our heavenly Father, who loves, cares for, and provides for His children. Children learn that through Jesus, they can have a pers...
Jesus loves the little children of the world. Diversity Craft Supplies For Kids We can’t expect to make some diverse crafts with kids without the right supplies, can we? Ya’ll… I am going to go ahead and share something personal here. All. the. time. my kids tell me they don’t...