Jesus loves you. Christian portal with Bible guides, christian meditations, devotional for today, Bible verse of today, christian books, health and family, Bible study guides, christian audio books and christian videos.
Welcome to our ‘Freedom From’ series where every month we share stories of women who have found freedom from a hurt, habit, or hang up and want to encourage others that freedom is for them too. Today we are talking about pride with Sheila Wavamunno, a language tutor who loves Jesus,...
January 17, 2015Devotional,Hymns,Worship Jesus Loves Even Me I am so glad that our Father in Heav’n Tells of His love in the Book He has giv’n; Wonderful things in the Bible I see, This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me. ...
It is not rooted in me, it is rooted in the one who loves me. I had the image of an angry child in my head, held… Read More Words On a Page Aren’t Enough This is awesome… and not enough. The Bible in 1500 languages…. a good start. Translating the Bible into heart ...
Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of peace—for today and every day. ...
Today daily devotional / The Waffle Problem Started by ladylovesJesus Today at 8:00 AM Replies: 0 Devotionals Worshipers of Images Started by Sue J Love Today at 5:35 AM Replies: 1 Devotionals The Righteousness and Justice of God
Biblically-based devotional teachings each week, exclusively written for by Life On Purpose author J. M. Farro...
Jesus is saying for us to make it our goal to love as our Heavenly Father loves. Jesus brought up the issue of mercy repeatedly. Everyone wants mercy. The Bible tells us that mercy triumphs over judgment. Of course, we want it. Giving mercy requires us to give up revenge and hand the...
Plush animals that said Jesus loves me on them were also donated by the LifeWay Store. These were paired with the Bibles so children received a double blessing. Had a facebook fundraiser for his 8th birthday in which enough money was raised for adult and children’s Bibles to be purchased...
Now, get into a good Word and Faith teaching Church. Start reading the New Testament daily {see Chapter a day page}. JESUS Loves you so much! And so do we! Welcome To The Family! Please See: "Who We Are In HIM" Page Also See: Chapter A Day Page -Bruce & Marilyn Biesel...