Life on earth is many different things to everyone. One thing it is to most folks, though, is all consuming. The problem with never setting aside time to find and accept Jesus as your personal savior, is that you are trading the 80 or so years you might live on earth for eternity in...
In that last week of Jesus’ life on earth, one day he taught about an event of the cosmos that was about to happen. The day of his death would not just be a martyrdom, but “the time for judgment.” By a great divine act, the Evil One himself would be driven out, and by bein...
Jesus Lives On ENESJAPT View PDF 1 of 2 Easter is a time to celebrate the gift of salvation and eternal life that God gave us through Jesus. Jesus came to earth and lived with us, so that we could come to know God better. God knew that we would do wrong and sin, and we ...
O Driscoll argues that in the details of Jesus life on earth lie the source of his very real presence in our lives today. Following the stories in the Gospels, we find Jesus in relationship with those around him. In his joys and sorrows, we can see reflected our own experiences, and ...
Plomp, Tony
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”26 You can begin an intimate relationship with him right now. You can begin to personally know God in this life on earth, and after death into eternity. Here ...
Central to living a life with Christ is knowing His word. It is important to read the Bible on a daily basis. DAILY! Pray Constantly 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us that we should pray constantly. Talk to God like He is a friend who you always get to have with you. ...
Download Holy Wallpapers of the Savior - God Jesus Christ and bless your life and soul! Jesus wallpaper app is for the community who loves Jesus. We are providing Jesus wallpapers, Jesus Christ wallpapers, Church wallpapers, Christian wallpapers, Jesus statue wallpapers, Etc. ...
(seeHeb 10:12-13). Although we still take up our crosses each day (Lk 9:23) and share in the sufferings of Christ (Phil 3:10), we live the love, joy, and freedom of Christ’s risen life on earth and we look forward to living the perfection of that life face-to-face with ...
” One of the reasons we become followers of Christ is the promise of heaven, which is good. But it also means our life on earth can be challenging, especially when everything around us seems to cry out, “Worship me. Desire me. Work hard to have me!” while the Holy Spirit reminds...