King of Kings “On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.”– Revelation 19:16 Jesus is the King of Kings, ruling over all creation with authority and majesty. Children understand that Jesus is not just a teacher or prophet but the sovereign...
O Lord”. (“Requiem” is theaccusativesingular form of the Latin noun requies, “rest, repose”.) The Roman Missal as revised in 1970 employs this phrase as the first entranceantiphonamong the formulas for
to live and die as one of us. And we in turn may now share in thedivinelife. We are still works in progress no doubt, but we arebound for glory. St. Paul put this so beautifully: “All of us,” he said, “all of us, with our unveiled faces like mirrors reflecting...
Psalm 2 is a song that David penned as a coronation anthem for the future kings of Israel. It was a reminder to earthly kings that there exists a heavenly king. It was a prophetic vision of God as the King of kings who rules His kingdom and therein is a hope that God would set hi...