Paul boldly declares that it is the very things we perceive as weak that have the potential to cultivate strength and truth within us and to others. It is my sincere hope that, through its ministry, will impact lives by embracing this profound truth. I hope so anyway. ...
Paul’s words are important and you should read them again. We’re “under the power of” this malevolent force calledsin,which is basically a contagion or disease of pervasive selfishness and narcissism. Because sin isselfishness—not simply “self-love” but more like “self-worship at all ...
Discover who Jesus Christ is and why He came to earth. What does His coming have to do with you?
God is always there for us. He is there in special occasions, holidays, in sorrows, and so on. He is everywhere. We must remember Him all the time. I dedicate this poem to Seminario De Jesus Nazareno and Community in Borongan, Eastern Samar, Philippines, to my Auntie Sarah Mabansag Pu...
Who is Jesus?by Raymond A. Foss A child’s question, shared by the pastor shared with the children, offered to the congregation all of us involved, active pondering our answer to this question, so central Partial answers only, a mere cloudy foretaste ...
“The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.” (Prov. 16:1) This verse demonstrates God's sovereignty over human will. The human may plan out what they desire to do, but the final decision or answer comes from the Lord. Jeremiah 10:23 al...
during his first advent he rendered the greatest service, a service which no angel, no creature was able to render, and prepared the kingdom for his believers and elect. But when the number of the elect is complete, he will return not as a servant but as a master, in order to free ...
To Be Christ Is Not To Be Jesus Christ (Poem).Presents the poem "To Be Christ Is Not to Be Jesus Christ," by Antonin Artaud, translated from French by Clayton Eshleman and Bernard Bador.ArtaudAntoninEBSCO_AspAmerican Poetry Review
Jesus, Is He With You? Poem by Broken Nd AloneJesus, Is He With You?Autoplay Jesus is he with you? i wonder every day. I sit and wonder why he`s gone, and why he could not stay. Every part of me is empty i feel i cant go on, but then i look to heaven and hear this ...
Jesus is love and love is universal, it's not a poem for Christians, it's a poem for humans. 3 2 Reply Jacson Gelato 16 March 2016 Buddha is also all those things. Human beings are free to choose their religious affiliation. The only pre-requisite is that a person must be able...