In our passage,katapausis, "rest,"27translates the Hebrew word for "rest,"menūhā, "resting-place, rest," which occurs 21 times in the Old Testament. The rootnûah"signifies not only absence of movement, but being settled in a particular place (whether concrete or abstract) with overto...
but his kingdom is universal in that it was never meant to be limited to a specific geographical region or a subset of people. Paul reminded the early church, “For he himself [Jesus Christ] is our peace, who made us both one and has broken down...
Mary may very well have developed the calm assurance that even when God’s ways are baffling, we can rest assured he is orchestrating events to accomplish far more than we could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20). She’d been witness to such orchestration in Bethlehem. Mary knew that even our ...
Apparently all you need is a mildly entertaining delusion, and no awareness of personal space. I was always close with Donald. We first met when he and his Mum moved in with my Dad and I. My Mum ran away with the postman when I was five. He wasn’t our postman, but he was a ...
forgave my wife of her sins and mistakes, and even now, I forgive and long for healing and reconciliation. I still love her and would take her back and keep loving her for the rest of my life, but only God can change a person’s heart, and that is the most amazing miracle of all...
is such a personal matter they choose not to share it with others. The next unfortunate step in this thinking is that since they have a personal relationship with Jesus, they don’t need the rest of the Body of Christ. They don’t need the fellowship, strength, encouragement, and growth...
The expressions mean generally that God is to be loved with all our powers and faculties, and that nothing is to be preferred to him. It is difficult to define with any precision the signification of each term used, and much unprofitable labour has been expended in the endeavour to limit ...
Because the judgment of sin (death) and the payment of sin (blood) were both complete, Jesus could say “it is finished.”You might wonder how this could be a finished work if he still had to be raised from the dead. The work Jesus did on the cross paid the full price for our ...
We can rest in that we are our Father’s foremost concern. “He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” We can puncture the surrounding evil by a simple decision to be faithful to Jesus.Darkness may pursue us, but it will never defeat us. We advance through thi...
his own time, could still say that we “exist solely for this, to be the place God has chosen for the divine Presence. The real value of our own self is the sign of God in our being, the signature of God upon our being.”[i]The Word indelibly inscribed on our own hearts and ...