It is the focal point of my living room. Sahra Affleck Love it!! Beautiful picture. Natalie Liedtke Beautiful Camille Laker Beautiful picture Love the gallery wrap. Beautiful addition to our art and a great reminder of our Savior. Jaimee Mitchell I love the pictures & scriptures that ...
‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.’2 Timothy 3:16 February 21 — Scriptures Hold Pattern for Living.General Conference, ‘The Sure Word Of God’, October 1972“I believe that the scr...
This is why we love Jesus and are loyal to him in return (seeQ31). This is why we worship Jesus as our king (Dan 7:11-13).[12]The scriptures are about God’s plan through the people of Israel (i.e.,King Jesus) to fix the world, to fix us, and to create a family he can...
when we could do what we wanted.Now we measure our energy in teaspoons rather than buckets.We weigh every decision, every action. Saying yes to one activity means saying no to many others. It is hard not to envy those with fit bodies, who seem to have no cares. ...
Share about Jesus after appropriate testing.Our journey needs to be in line with the Gospel of Jesus, the Scriptures, the teaching of the Church, Holy Tradition (Saints, liturgy, prayer, morality, Catechism, Catholic social justice, etc.), and the exhortations of our pastoral leaders. ...
Jesus had a very busy schedule. There were tens of thousands of people that He could have talked to, stopped for, and do miracles for. I spent time digging intowhyHe stopped for the people that He did in the Scriptures: the woman with the issue of blood, the ten lepers, and the one...
Anyone or anything that disagrees with the LDS Church is considered anti-Mormon. Yet, the Church considers themselves to be a Christian church. The Bible & Mormonism Why Joseph Smith hated the word of God Bible is Reliable Scripture Database Scriptures that show Mormons can fully trust God'...
It was a different kind of letter, not chock full of their kids’ accomplishments, butfull of their hearts’ desires.This Christmas season they were struck by how much we need a Savior and acknowledged their failings. They included these two scriptures about Jesus, instead of the usual story...
The scriptures came so easily and quickly that I felt the need to share them to others. First of all, attending church services is important but for those that cannot attend due to sickness, having to work, no transportation, etc… is completely understandable. There are some great preaching...
The divinely-inspired prophet John in the New Covenant Holy Scriptures has also revealed to the world the fact that Jesus existed in all eternity, both before and after His human embodiment in Jesus/Yeshua... as the Holy Word of God. God The Son is also properly called the Word of God...