That which is sweet to us was costly to Christ in acquiring it. The price of blood hangs over every mercy. Life comes through death. Prime favors come swimming to us in blood. . . . let all this endear Christ more than ever to us and make us in a deep sense of his love say “...
the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.””– Mark ...
Everything I do is a reflection of the duality within me. Musically, I really love things that are very synthetic and unnatural. And I also like the organic and human... the intrinsic, I guess. 0Share I don't know why people think I'm a Goth - that's a misconception. ...
Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)1 Maharishi said, “The goal of the Transcendental Meditation technique is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner cal...
Go out into the world and twist scripture so that no one is offended. This also applies to people misinterpreting the words of Jesus! Just remember, when in doubt – Jesus said LOVE. Don’t miss our favoriteinspirational bible quotes. ...
And He [Jesus] said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ Lord: Matthew 22:37 (NASB) The Koran is well aware of what Jesus said, when it says: the Messiah has said,“O Children of Israel, worship...
Did Jesus not love you enough? January 21, 2025 What is your brand? January 16, 2025 When difficult times assail us January 15, 2025 Those who like it but don’t live it January 14, 2025 That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking January 13, 2025 The most important...
The first article is titled “The Beloved" by Francis Frangipane. His gift is being able to take us to a place of deep heart devotion, as he explores the relationship of love between the Father and his son Jesus. Many other articles by gifted writers are listed like Ravi Zacharias, Dr ...
There are many believers who have done the same, they have fallen in love with their Savior. They do not plan on a life apart from Him.So spiritually they have gone to the doorpost, the awl is pushed through their ear, and they are marked from that point on. ...
Delve into the teachings of Jesus Christ with our exclusive sticker pack. Share profound quotes that embody love, compassion, and divine guidance. Whether you'r…