Printable Bible Parables of Jesus Coloring Pages Printable Bible Parables Coloring and Activity Pages are fun to use in Sunday School Classes and Vacation Bible School and make teaching lessons fun and easy! The box to the right is a Pinterest Pin-It Ad Box ! ...Pin it NOW !!! Featu...
Page Two: Why do I need a King? Sometimes we don’t do a good job teaching children why we need Jesus. This coloring sheet highlights our need for someone to give us protection and direction in life. This is important because only King Jesus can solve the problems raised in this illustr...
It lost its cunning. And so gradually almost all the old meanings were lost. God has always been eager to get to talking with man again. The silence is hard on Him. He is hungry to be on intimate terms again with his old friend. Of course he had to use a language that man could...
What is the same, the common theme in all of these differing landscapes, is that it’s hard. Some days I wake up, like today, and the sun is shining as I am coloring my roots (hair up in a bun, with the roots all glistening with Madison Reed dark brown slathered all over my ...
During the trials and turmoils of life, God’s truth IS the silver lining, and our comfort comes from knowing that He is always in control! The Silver Lining contains: articles, blog posts, and butterfly blips. These vary in topic and length, by category, but all serve to bring the ...
When I had counted the regions by coloring them with the same color, in the colored shape the lines and the intersection points were still shown. So I took the eraser and I put a little erasing smudge on each intersecting point, thus counting the intersecting points as well, even though ...