你好!jesus is lord radio live broadcast 耶稣是主电台直播
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First, this phrase is not found anywhere in Scripture. True, the word “Trinity” isn’t in Scripture either, but there is evidence for the “Trinity,” where there is no evidence Jesus is apersonalLord and Savior. Second, although it is good for a person to acknowledge that Jesus is t...
Oh lord jesus You're highly and exhausted Savior of the world You bow before your throne You are the king of kings And we will make your glory known We give you all our praise Forever we will sing of your amazing grace Your love has set us free We will shout it for eternity You ar...
I’ll feature songs like The Prince Song, 2nd Chapter Of Acts, King Of The Jews, Phil Keaggy, The Lord Is My Shepherd from the late Keith Green, Cornerstone, Leon Patillo, and of course El Shaddai from Amy Grant and many other songs!! Be sure and listen and you’ll see what a mig...
Jesus is Lord Radio - The official carrier Radio and TV station of the worldwide Ministry of Repentance and Holiness.Airing 24/7,365 days of Holy worship Music and the Most powerful Prophetic Oracles of the LORD GOD of Heaven as spoken through His Servan