“We Are Your Resting Place” – lyrics by David Bolton Songs for the Circle “Have Your Way” Poems of Evan Bolton “God Is Here” – by Evan Bolton “Good” – by Evan Bolton “Intention” – by Evan Bolton “For This Heart Beats…”– by Evan Bolton “The Image We Bear” –...
Because those who are obsessed with the Beatles are deceived by the occult nature of the Beatles, who also followed after and fully supported a man known as the most wicked man alive, Aleister Crowley, even shown on one of the Sgt. Pepper albums. Did you know that Crowley was the creator...
Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow—-let it pass us through! Video “When He Returns.” On album “Slow Train Coming” The woman said Dana has “gone dark”. Perhaps. The Truth be told is now very dark. “When He Returns” lyrics “The iron hand it ain’t no match for ...
Hi! I'm Sonia. I'm so glad you are here. There's a story in the Bible in John chapter 4 about a woman with a broken past. That's my back story, but then that woman (and this woman) met Jesus. This blog is a glimpse at the"now story". Welcome to John4Fou
I should also add that, when confronted with Yow's lyrics, my wife replied, "He's a sick fuck, isn't he?" and "What is wrong with this guy?" Here, let me give you a quick run-down of his lyrical concerns this time around: "Then Comes Dudley" - who the hell knows "Mouth Br...
And His word is like a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). It’s alive and active and pierces like nothing else (Hebrews 4:12). And Jesus? Well, He’s a wrecking ball. Backlit by Stevie’s lyrics, the above passage discloses this truth today. I discovered ransom comes from a word meaning ...
I left my friend at the door to run to the stage to be in the front row. That’s where my values were then, I now forgive the boy that did it, but it isn’t me now. Morrissey connects us. Without the connection, without the relationships, they’re simply chords and lyrics (which...