Love that allows the flesh to stay, “just as I am,” is antichrist and satanic. Antichrist means “against Christ.” The meaning of “satanic” is explained below. “The flesh” means whatever default is living in us from birth. Apostasy is losing this relationship to love defined as Je...
As you see in the verse, Christians will tell Jesus that we did everything that you commanded us to do, but Jesus will tell Christians that I did not tell you in the Bible that I am God, but you considered me part of God or God. For this reason, Jesus will say to Christians to...
He tells them that if they don’t eat His flesh and drink His blood they will not have life in them (John 6:53). THERE’S MORE: IN JOHN 6:54, THE BIBLE SWITCHES FROM THE WORD PHAGO (MEANING “EAT”) TO TROGO (MEANING “CHEW” OR “GNAW”) TO LEAVE NO DOUBT THAT JESUS ...
You are saved by belief in:The golden rule The ten commandments Jesus Christ Good works Church membership Bible Verse Of The Moment New Bible Verses How old is the earth?,PARALLEL BIBLE,,Evidence for a Young Earth,Six Day Creation, Evidence Dinosaurs Lived With Man,Evidence for Americ...
In John 1:14 , it is written, "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." This verse underscores the miraculous event of God taking on human form to dwell among His ...
Question : In the Book of Revelation we find the verse, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8). But what do you do with Revelation 22:13, which appears to be Jesus speaking (see verse 16), wh...
Revival and renewal can easily be imitated and manufactured in the flesh. All Saint’s is a wonderful fireplace. All Saints is so healthy, such an amazing gift in a time of great confusion and distraction. To be healthy, it really helps to be in a healthy Christian community. Being a ...
Jesus - Messiah, Scribes, Pharisees: In the 1st century, scribes and Pharisees were two largely distinct groups, though presumably some scribes were Pharisees. Scribes had knowledge of the law and could draft legal documents (contracts for marriage, divo
"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."(Daniel 12:2) "Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; ...
Lamsa BibleJesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded and came from God; I did not come of my own accord, but he sent me.Aramaic Bible in Plain EnglishYeshua said unto them, “If God were your father, you would have loved me, for I have ...