In the Bible he was known as Abram; in the historical record he is the pharaoh Maybra -- the most powerful man on Earth in his lifetime. By such simple sleight of hand, the pharaohs of Egypt have hidden their identity, but preserved their ancient history and bloodline. Th...
Those who have eyes to see will see the beauty of following the Bible "script". No need to add anything else. Look deeper, see Christ's person in this film - you will be amazed by the spiritual wealth of His simplicity. How can someone call this "boring"?!
Crucifixion of Jesus Video - Randall Niles explores the historical record surrounding this Roman form of torture and capital punishment. Crucifixion Video - What is the crucifixion? Why is it important? Did Jesus die for you and your sins? Find out. Death of Jesus - Did Jesus really die li...
The Open Tomb re-examines the historical record about Jesus and discovers that far from being a poor carpenter and preacher, Jesus was the son of a high priest and the scion of two of the wealthiest families in Jerusalem. As the legitimate heir of King David and the presumed king of Judea...
At least these beliefs on the part of certain persons are a matter of historical record. The Teachings of Jesus. An interesting tendency among some ancient authors was to view Jesus as a philosopher with some distinctive teachings (Lucian, Mara Bar Serapion, cf. Gospel of Thomas). Lucian ...
In E. A. Livingstone, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Third edition. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1997. Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels. New York: HarperSanFrancisco,...
The best historical record of Jesus' life is found in the Bible. One of the most frequently posed challenges is, “Isn't it just a European book that has nothing to do with our people? No. Black people appear on the stage of biblical history many times. ...
The best historical record of Jesus' life is found in the Bible. One of the most frequently posed challenges is directed at this book. Is the Bible credible? Isn't it just a European book that has little to do with our people?
We are generally embarrassed by the merciless historical record of our existence, the photo on our driver's license or passport. We say to someone who peeks over our shoulder, "That is a terrible shot. It doesn't look like me at all. It makes me look like a criminal?' Sometimes the ...
The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son (descendant) of David, the son (descendant) of Abraham:Christian Standard BibleAn account of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:Holman Christian Standard BibleThe historical record of Jesus Christ, ...