Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) John Gill's Exposition of the Bible Geneva Study Bible PLUS Wesley's Explanatory Notes PLUS Luke 24 1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. ...
Do you notice what Jesus called himself in verse 8? He said, “I am Jesus of Nazareth.” It is interesting that Jesus referred himself a Nazarene. Why is his name so important? To understand why this is important you need to go back into history. Do you know that in the Bible there...
Verse Concepts “Why are we regarded as beasts, As stupid in your eyes? Isaiah 32:5 Verse Concepts No longer will the fool be called noble, Or the rogue be spoken of as generous. Bible Theasaurus Counted(196 instances) Fools(64 instances)...
According to Jesus’ admissions, as well as the Bible’s prophecies, Jesus of Nazareth could not have been the Messiah. This of course, would invalidate Christianity as we know it. The compilation presented here shall be split in three sections. The first shall be the biblical prophecies that...
You are saved by belief in:The golden rule The ten commandments Jesus Christ Good works Church membership Bible Verse Of The Moment New Bible Verses How old is the earth?,PARALLEL BIBLE,,Evidence for a Young Earth,Six Day Creation, Evidence Dinosaurs Lived With Man,Evidence for Americ...
How is God’s generosity meant to change us? In the Bible, God’s gifts are intended to bring about transformation in our lives. This generosity challenges our natural tendencies toward selfishness, calling us to live in a community that freely shares an
Question : In the Book of Revelation we find the verse, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8). But what do you do with Revelation 22:13, which appears to be Jesus speaking (see verse 16), wh...
Jesus kindly chided Nicodemus in John 3 for not realizing this Testimony even though he claimed to be a teacher of Israel. Of all the Bible stories Jesus could have chosen, He singled out the one from Numbers 21:4-9 about the bronze serpent on the pole. Everyone had been poisoned from...
The term ‘Oh’, as in Oh that you would rend the heavens, is used 207 times in the bible to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy. Just think of the song ‘Oh Susannah’ or the expressions ‘Oh Boy!’ or ‘Oh no!’ Sometimes we become dead...
Jesus said in verse 17, “if you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” The word ‘blessed’ generally refers to the happiness that accompanies God’s favor. And so He promises that a service oriented life will bring us more joy than a self-centered existence ever could....