She is not controlled by the towers of babble or wired to the book of lies. She is the Rev. 12 child/warrior. She is the woman of Rev. 12. Child/warrior. Not man/child a contradiction of terms. In the real bible, Jesus blessed and healed the Fig Tree. Jesus was sure to say ...
The great thing about being young and inexperienced is that you know everything. At least I did. Before I had children I knew what every misbehaving kid needed. Before children I had all the answers. After children I don’t even remember the questions. But it is not just the young and ...
Each book of the Bible has an identifiable theme ultimately fulfilled in the person and work of Christ. Williams provides the following for his readers: * succinct statement of the theme of every biblical book * An explanation of how that theme finds its focus in Christ * A brief discussion...
Becoming an extremist is easy, but living as one is hard. They so narrowly define how everybody should think and act that nobody is capable of complying perfectly. In the discrepancy between what they proclaim, pretend to be, and what they indeed are, there is worry and stress about being...
2021-01-27 Scriptures of the Rapture ! 2021-01-27 The Day of the Rapture ! 2021-01-28 Jesus Christ is God Almighty ! 2021-02-03 Every day is a Sabbath to ME, SaintlyMic! 2021-02-08 Satan through the ages ! 2021-04-27 666 In The Name of Allah 2021-05-03 What happens when ...
Jesus grew in“favor with God and man.”This is where the spiritual growth comes in, and it ties beautifully to the second part of the song. When we teach our preschoolers to read their Bible and pray every day, they are not just learning about God—they are growing in their ability ...
This is also true when it comes to the inner workings of faith. For me, as a theologian and Bible scholar who has an engineering background, it is not enough for the Bible to call me to believe … I want to know how belief works … how faith works … so that I can not only be...
Click on the family tree icon to see the family tree of Jesus Christ. Every Bible verse of each person There is a cross-reference for each person, listing every Bible verse where the person is mentioned by name. Click herefor a page that shows every Bible verse in which Jesus Christ is...
Another place in which Jesus addresses the fulfillment mentioned above is Luke 24:44: He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you:Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” ...
Isaiah is like a fifth Gospel. No other book in the Old Testament paints so many pictures and promises tied to Jesus. Almost every chapter highlights the One who would come to save and suffer for his people and the nations. Why did Jesus choose this Scripture?It might seem like he random...