Ask God to show you who they are and the best way to lead them to Jesus. PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick Talk It Over Why do you think God wants you to meet people’s physical needs in addition to their spiritual needs? What does it look like for someone to be spirit...
If you put your trust in Jesus Christ and his love, your sins are wiped away. God’s judgment is no longer something you need to fear. Because of Jesus’ death and Resurrection, you’re free from judgment. PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick Talk It Over How do Christ’s d...
The Ramblings of Rob Prince, a follower of Jesus, husband, dad, grandpa, lead pastor at Flint Central Church of the Nazarene and author of "Chronic Pain: Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering" and "Got Cancer? There's Help"AboutHey Nazarene Pastors, what are you waiting for? On Janu...
Evangelicals have long hitched their fortunes to GOP political movements, most recently the Trump train. But Feucht is bald in his declaration that Christians, themselves, should seize the throttle of the nation’s politics. “People complain that Biblical truth should not...
Are you ready to enjoy whole health—body, mind, and spirit? Pastor Rick’s bestselling book,The Daniel Plancan help! This proven, Bible-based program has helped thousands of people: • Lose weight in a sustainable way. ...
I’ve noticed thatwhen I put my hands on my children while I pray for them, they become still. Perhaps they are at the perfect age to realize what Mommy is doing. Nonetheless, it touches ME to see how they respond during my prayers for them. With my cuddly one, it...
This is an excellent video exposing a false teaching on the home church. The link to it was sent by a dear pastor and friend. You may not agree with every jot and tittle of the exposure, but it makes some very good points from God’s word. ...
Kerrigan Skelly is an open air preacher, street evangelist, pastor, husband, father and servant of Jesus Christ
Pastor Christy Davis - Sister's Medley - Father I Stretch / Let Jesus Lead You / Won't Have to Cry No More / God Has Smiled on Me / The Lord is Blessing Me 专辑:Oldies But Goodies - Show Me the Way 歌手:Pastor Christy Davis ...