God never made mistakes. He did not create Adam and Eve or place them where he knew they must ‘fall’ and curse humanity for ever. Nor would He need to drown the consequences of His errors in a flood or sacrifice one third of Himself to atone for the mistakes of the other two ...
Essay about The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey Unfortunately, this fact is so true of our society today, but Yancey goes on to show how Jesus makes an extra effort to reach out to he poor. He gives a list, which he got from another writer, on the advantages of being poor. Th...
Jesus on every page Poemhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHo7chUVLMI&t=199s以下是一些笔记,从Part2开始。Part2 Spiritual Heartburn##Chapter 7 Christ's Planet: Discovering Jesus in the Creation ### "Genesis 1–2 is actually about Jesus. Yes, Jesus can be found and enjoyed even i...
“I no longer felt alone,” she writes. “I knelt beside the bed in that sterile room and felt an overwhelming Presence of peace and love come over me. I knew Jesus was with me and that He sympathized with my heartache. This was unquestionably the same ‘Sweet Jesus’ I had met in ...
I Never Knew You Build Your House on the Rock Authority of Jesus Significance Context of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount during his ministry in Galilee, a region in northern Israel. The exact location is not specified in the Gospel of Matthew, but it is traditi...
to the region’s prosperity. There were, of course, landless people, but the Herodiandynastywas careful to organize largepublic worksprojects that employed thousands of men. Desperate poverty was present too but never reached a socially dangerous level. At the other end of the economic spectrum,...
They knew that ideal leaders had the ability to effect virtue in the lives of their people. Not every virtuous teacher or king had the power to bring about lasting change, however. Numa, whom Plutarch thinks best exemplifies the ancient philosopher king model, was unable to effect change ...
for him. 28 But turning to them Jesus said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!'...
to cast it from us?” To be honest, I often want to cast off the lightest of yokes in exchange for something that looks lighter, but more often then not ends up being a bigger burden too heavy for me to carry. Listen, I have never once regretted obeying God…and yet I still rage...
do but that. Judgment Day will suddenly overtake these people who live this way, and Christ will come unexpectedly. When they are at their securest, when things rock with drumbeat, merriment, and dancing, they will suddenly be laid low and burn with a fire that will never be extinguished....